QA Engineer

The QA engineer is responsible for planning and implementing strategies to maintain a high level of quality in Deepomatic’s software. Duties include:

  • contributing to the technical specifications to ensure the acceptance criteria are well defined,
  • making sure those criteria are met, especially in corner cases,
  • documenting bugs and errors found during the test phase,
  • automating quality management and testing strategies,
  • improving the CI and testing tools.

You will engage on the whole product with a large span of the Deepomatic teams, ranging from Customer Success to DevOps, including of course Product and Development teams. As a consequence, this role is also highly cross-functional as you will tackle both front-end back-end issues.


Within 1 month, you will:

  • Start learning what there is to know about the technology and the business behind it.
  • Complete the Deepomatic Academy, an onboarding project which all new employees do within their first month.
  • Perform various interviews with the dev team in order to understand the pain points that they might encounter when testing.
  • Be part of a feature squad and write at least one test using the existing testing infrastructure and frameworks to cover a new feature going to production.

Within 3 month, you will:

  • Master the product and its various components.
  • Collaborate with the SRE in order to improve our CI and e2e tests.
  • Working with the product management team to understand the solution and what is needed for customers and participate in user test sessions.

Within 6 months, you will:

  • Defining manual test plans of the next features of the platform.
  • Work with developers to ensure they provide testable code.
  • Working on advanced automated test suites at all levels of our product.

Job requirements

  • Being passionate about quality and having an eye for detail
  • A taste for technical challenges and diversity of technologies
  • 3+ years experience as a QA or full-stack engineer
  • Previous experience working on automated testing
  • You are not afraid to come up with new things
  • Great human qualities and a love for teamwork
  • Great oral and written communication in English.


  • Experience with Selenium / Cypress
  • Experience with Jenkins
  • Experience with distributed systems and Docker
  • Experience with Typescript and Angular
  • Experience with Python and Django