The trusted provider of reference prices and market intelligence for renewable energy
Pexapark delivers daily, market-representative prices for Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to 200+ renewable energy sellers and off-takers, alongside leading data providers, consultancies, and governmental and industry bodies. Pexapark’s price data is complemented with powerful analytical tools and market intelligence to help its clients stay informed on market changes and manage the evolving risks and opportunities involved in renewable energy. Through a unique combination of advisory services and portfolio management software, Pexapark provides businesses with support in executing deals, optimising their portfolios and developing their strategies.
Since their journey began in 2017, co-founders Michael Waldner (CEO), Florian Müller (CTO), and Luca Pedretti (COO) have been instrumental in advancing the renewable energy transition. Pexapark was founded with a mission to accelerate the energy transition towards net zero by creating an efficient market for renewable energy. Their vision is to be the trusted provider for renewable energy reference pricing and market intelligence and the Operating System that empowers renewable energy players to have an edge in post-subsidy markets.