Solutions Architect

Fastly helps the world’s most popular digital businesses keep pace with their customer expectations by delivering fast, secure, and scalable online experiences. Businesses trust Fastly to accelerate the pace of technical innovation, mitigate evolving threats, and scale on demand. Founded in 2011, Fastly powers online destinations including Airbnb, GitHub, Alaska Airlines, Pinterest, Vimeo, The Guardian, and The New York Times.

The worldwide cloud services market is projected to grow rapidly to $236 billion in 2020, according to Forrester, Inc. As more and more businesses move operations to the cloud, Fastly is well positioned to continue increasing CDN, cloud networking and cloud security market share with edge cloud services that reach beyond content delivery.

We’re building a better Internet. Come join us. 

Solutions Architect

The Fastly Japan Team is looking for a unique Security Solutions Architect Fastly’s Japan team is the connecting fabric between Product, Sales, and Client Services organizations.  Fastly’s Security Solutions Engineer will have the opportunity to guide Japanese customers over their entire life-cycle from sales, implementation and expert level support to ensure customer success on the Fastly Platform.

The Security Solution Engineer will need to have customer facing experience in selling, through troubleshooting, and delivering implemented solutions on the Fastly global edge cloud. This individual will have knowledge of at least one programming language; the ability to write / learn / understand a common scripting language (bash / python / javascript / etc.) is essential. VCL is the configuration language at Fastly -- prior experience or the aptitude and commitment to learn is an important requirement. Experience in devops, network operations, system operations or other technical support organization(s) where complex system interactions are supported or deployed is highly desirable. This unique position will have a key role in the Japan team, being local security and technical solution engineer that leads our team and our customers to better answers for their businesses.

What You'll Do

  • Support the Fastly Japan Sales engagements where security requirements exist
  • Bring technical expertise in security problems that web properties face and work independently and dynamically to create solutions that solve those problems for customers
  • Implement and manage WAF deployment for the local customer base to ensure minimal false positives and maximum available protection for our customer’s Web Applications
  • Build test configurations to demonstrate new products and features to individuals and groups
  • Provide support to internal and external customers for products inside the Fastly Japan organization
  • Train our internal and external customers on new products and features
  • Contribute to documentation and articles for general customer education on security best practices and using the Fastly Platform to protect customer assets
  • Attend appropriate stakeholder meetings and standups, gather and present feedback to various stakeholders

What We're Looking For

  • Native Japanese language fluency; English language business-level proficiency
  • 5+ years experience with HTTP request/response protocols and related troubleshooting tools and techniques (curl, dig, tcpdump, etc.)
  • Demonstrated ability to interact effectively with a variety of business and technical contacts including mid level managers
  • Proven background in security models, solutions, and products
  • Expert knowledge of DNS, routing, caching, WAF, DDoS, TLS, security service management,
  • Expert knowledge of internet protocols, website optimization and acceleration
  • Referenceable communication and documentation experience
  • Fundamental knowledge of information security standards, policies, controls, and regulations.
  • Strong attention to detail
  • Good written communication skills and experience, including writing technical documentation
  • Comfort with networking equipment and protocols as well as Linux systems are essential
  • Excellent collaboration skills with cross-functional organizations
  • Advanced knowledge of enterprise software technology
  • Superior listening skills, can swiftly identify complex problem relationships through listening and discovery directly with internal and external customers
  • Open and receptive to new ideas and ways of doing things


Fastly は世界中の人気デジタルビジネスが顧客の期待を裏切らない高速・安全・スケーラブルなオンライン体験を提供するための支援を行っています。多くの企業が Fastly を信頼して技術革新を加速し、進化する脅威を回避し、オンデマンドでスケールアップしています。2011 年に創業した Fastly は 日経、楽天、メルカリ、サイバーエージェント、クックパッドなどのオンラインサイトで採用されています。

Forrester,Inc. によると、世界のクラウドサービス市場は 2020 年に 2360 億ドルまで急成長すると予測されています。ますます多くの企業が事業をクラウドに移行するにつれて、Fastly はコンテンツ配信を超えるエッジクラウドサービスにより、CDN、クラウドネットワーキング、およびクラウドセキュリティの市場シェアを拡大し続ける体制を整えています。



Fastly はすでにCDN 技術を革新させ、現在はCDNの販売方法を変えています。弊社の販売チームはコンサルティング販売アプローチを採用し、各顧客の個々のニーズを学び、カスタムソリューションを提供しています。弊社は長年にわたる関係を築くため、ポジティブなカスタマーエクスペリエンスを作り上げることに注力しています。

販売チームは、収益、採用、市場浸透を促進することに尽力しています。チームの志望者には、CXO、IT アーキテクト、およびソフトウェア開発者のレベルで採用を進めることを可能にする技術的販売経歴が必要です。また、領土補償計画に照らして開発および実行し、四半期ごとの収益目標を一貫して達成する準備ができているセルフスターターである必要があります。

さらに、高度に技術的な製品を消費者向けの Web、モバイル、メディア、および企業に販売した成功実績が必要です。


  • ビジネスを推進し、ノルマ目標および MBO を達成する、または超えることに対して責任を負う
  • Fastly の企業ストーリー、価値提案、および製品のデモを効果的かつ自主的に提供する
  • 定義された領域または業界分野で、収益と市場シェアを推進するための包括的なアカウントプランを作成して実行する
  • 提案、見積もり、および契約を準備して先導する
  • 追加の収益機会を求めてクローズドアカウントのアカウント管理を行う
  • 顧客の採用を加速し、顧客満足を確実にする
  • 重要顧客との長期にわたる戦略的関係を築く
  • 新規開拓、販売促進キャンペーン/ミーティング、交渉、アカウント管理など、販売サイクルのあらゆる側面を実行する。


  • 5年以上の技術(B2B、SaaS推奨)関連販売または事業開発経験
  • エンタープライズ、スタートアップ向けの販売経験と顧客ネットワーク
  • コンテンツ配信ネットワークサービス、各種クラウドサービス、コンテンツ管理、Web 分析、Web サイトのパフォーマンス、ロードバランシング、モバイルコンテンツ配信、またはWeb ホスティングに関する経験
  • 取引を成立させる、正確なパイプラインを実行する、予測を行うための優れた能力
  • 独立し自制力があり、強力な口頭および書面によるコミュニケーションスキルを持つ
  • 工学、コンピュータサイエンス、または MIS などを専攻するのに必要な学士/学位
  • 急速に成長、変化するスタートアップ環境に順応する能力
  • 母国語レベルの日本語ビジネス言語スキル
  • 書面および口頭でのビジネスレベルの英語

Why Fastly?

  • We have a huge impact. Fastly is a small company with a big reach. Not only do our customershave a tremendous user base, but we also support a growing number of open source projects and initiatives. Outside of code, employees are encouraged to share causes close to their heart with others so we can help lend a supportive hand.
  • We love distributed teams. Fastly’s home-base is in San Francisco, but we have multiple offices and employees sprinkled around the globe. In fact, 50% of our employees work outside of SF! An international remote culture is in our DNA.
  • We care about you. Fastly works hard to create a positive environment for our employees, and we think your life outside of work is important too. We support our teams with great benefits like up to 20 weeks of paid parental leave, options for free medical/dental/vision plans, and an open vacation program that enables our folks to take the time they need to recharge (some benefits may vary by location).
  • We value diversity. Growing and maintaining our inclusive and diverse team matters to us. We are committed to being a company where our employees feel comfortable bringing their authentic selves to work and have the ability to be successful -- every day.
  • We are passionate. Fastly is chock full of passionate people and we’re not ‘one size fits all’. Fastly employs authors, pilots, skiers, parents (of humans and animals), makeup geeks, coffee connoisseurs, and more. We love employees for who they are and what they are passionate about.

We’re always looking for humble, sharp, and creative folks to join the Fastly team. If you think you might be a fit please apply!