Technical Product Owner, Unity

This role will focus on developing a core feature set that our development teams can use to build the highest quality 3D virtual simulations at massive scale. It will work closely with our scientific writers, game designers, artists, developers and content product owners to plan feature sets that allow them to more effectively build scalable content and deliver a high quality experience to our users. Our content scaling ambitions are high and so a background in game development production at scale is a huge advantage. Your team will consist of a team of 7 UX engineers, Unity developers, QA, and you’ll partner with 2 other technical product teams who also support other elements of our production. Your products will serve our growing 60+ content product team.Key Responsibilities:     Classic product owner responsibilities for one designated development team (~7 engineers) such as writing user stories and prioritizing the backlog    Representing the voice of our growing content production team    Leading our understanding of value for your users    Defining metrics to measure the impact of your products    Collaborating with multiple other technical product owners with similar goals    Proactive roadmap planning for a rapidly growing content team    Consistent use of tracking and roadmap tools (jira etc)Qualifications: The successful candidate will be expected to demonstrate the following skills and experience:    3+ years in product owner roles, ideally with game development background    Experience within the EdTech space is a plus    Some experience working with foundation products that serve multiple market segments or verticals    A well-worn toolkit of user testing and product validation techniques    Experience establishing value-based metrics    Demonstrated ability to triage feedback coming from teams with a variety of backgrounds (artists, developers, writers, scientists, translators, game designers)Labster Vision: Empower the Next Generation of Scientists to Change the World For more information on our company vision to empower the next generation of scientists to change the world, please see video links below: BBC News: Talk: see our founder's TED talk here